In an article published in Bloomberg Professional Perspective, Juan Rodriguez and André Garcia do Fôjo offer guidance for companies on how interim measures can provide effective and speedy judicial redress against unlawful EU measures.
The EU regulatory landscape has become undeniably complex. Companies operating in the EU must comply with a wide range of laws and decisions adopted by EU institutions and regulatory bodies. They include laws and regulatory decisions in diverse areas, such as banking and financial regulation, competition law, state aid, public procurement, foreign subsidies, pharmaceutical and environmental standards and trade sanctions.
Key takeaways from the article include:
- The EU Courts can order interim measures to protect parties from the harmful effects of the EU measure they are challenging until the relevant EU Court has delivered judgment in the main action.
- Given the exceptional nature of these proceedings, and in particular the urgency and limited procedural rights that they involve, parties should carefully draft applications, making sure that they contain all the essential elements to support their claims.
Read “Practicalities & Pitfalls of Interim Measures by EU Courts”