Andrei Iancu, former Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Kate O’Malley, a retired judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and S&C’s IP Co-Heads Garrard Beeney and Dustin Guzior spoke to IAM about expanding the Firm’s IP practice in transactions and litigation.
Having Andrei and Kate on the team is a “game changer," noted Dustin.
Andrei told IAM that this is an exciting time to be working with clients at the forefront of IP innovation. “The pace of technological advancement is unprecedented, whether it is artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, 5G and 6G telecoms, or biotech—or a combination of various of those technologies,” said Andrei. “[H]ere at Sullivan & Cromwell, we can do the whole suite of services that are important to any company that is in the innovation ecosystem and needs intellectual property advice. It is not just IP litigation.”
Kate added that she enjoys being part of S&C’s growing IP practice. “What is interesting about Sullivan & Cromwell is that they are in the IP space, but they still have room to grow,” she noted. “This allows me to be part of building something.”
“There has really been a pretty remarkable response from the marketplace,” said Garrard about this addition of talent. “Intellectual property has become an increasingly important part of the economy. If you look at the intangible assets on balance sheets of American companies, it is exponentially larger than it was 10 years ago. IP is becoming more and more important to clients.”
Read “Andrei Iancu and Kathleen O’Malley Open Up About Move to Sullivan & Cromwell.”