Many corporations and financial institutions are drawn to Latin America for its business opportunities, but they often face challenges from shifting political landscapes or other developments that can present operational risks. To help key decision-makers avoid or manage crisis situations, Sullivan & Cromwell collaborated with
Latin Lawyer and others to publish
The Guide to Corporate Crisis Management, Second Edition. The 205-page Guide gathers the perspectives of 41 leading lawyers and other crisis management professionals and presents practical strategies to plan for and manage a range of crisis situations, including political instability, corruption investigations and financial stress. Our partners contributed chapters and podcasts related to these subjects.
Podcast: Practical Advice for Crisis Preparedness – COVID-19 Update
Sergio Galvis and Jack Devine, the founding partner and president of the Arkin Group, update listeners about crisis planning and protocols in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sergio and Jack discuss how businesses operating in Latin America might prioritize revisions to their crisis protocols to account for pandemics and other unknown global risks. The Arkin Group is an international risk consulting and strategic intelligence firm that specializes in crisis management, investigative research, and business problem solving.
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Podcast: Practical Advice for Crisis Preparedness
participated in a podcast with Jack Devine, the founding partner and president of the Arkin Group, to discuss managing risk while doing business in the opportunity-filled region. The podcast presents practical strategies derived from Jack and Sergio’s decades of experience, primarily in connection with cybersecurity threats and creating crisis plans. The Arkin Group is an international risk consulting and strategic intelligence firm that specializes in crisis management, investigative research, and business problem solving. Jack and Amanda Mattingly, managing director at the Arkin Group, also authored a chapter on dealing with political violence and crime in Latin America.
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Podcast: Communications Strategies for Corporate Crises – COVID-19 Update
Bob Giuffra and Paul Holmes, the CEO of North American operations at the global communications firm Finsbury, share their perspectives on corporations’ communications strategies during the COVID-19 crisis. They recommend navigating these new challenges by seeking legal, communications and government relations support early. They also discuss the importance of authenticity in corporate communications and real-time crisis management.
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Podcast: Communications Strategies for Corporate Crises
hosted a podcast with Paul Holmes, the CEO of North American operations at the global communications firm Finsbury, discussing communications strategies for corporate crises. Paul also authored a chapter with Finsbury director Eric Wachter on how collaboration between legal and communications professionals can be critical to mitigating a crisis.
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Podcast: Insights on Shareholder Activism
and Sergio Galvis speak about shareholder activism’s rise in Latin America in a podcast, drawing lessons from what the Firm has seen in Europe, Asia and the United States. They authored a chapter discussing how Latin American companies may draw on crisis management techniques and strategies primarily deployed by those in the United States.
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The Guide to Corporate Crisis Management, Second Edition
Drawing on their industry-leading expertise in crisis management and Latin America, S&C partners Sergio J. Galvis, Robert J. Giuffra Jr. and Werner Federico Ahlers authored the
introduction and edited the Guide. Sergio and Werner also co-authored a new chapter, “
Crisis Management as a Tool for Approaching Shareholder Activism.” In addition, Sergio lent his insights to a roundtable discussion, “
Lava Jato and Its Impact on Investigations in Latin America.” S&C’s contribution also includes a chapter by Brendan Cullen on “
Securities Litigation After a Crisis: What Latin American Companies Can Expect in a US Court Proceeding.”
S&C in Latin America
Throughout more than a century—dating back to the creation of the Panama Canal—S&C has played an integral role in
Latin America’s economic and legal history. Today, S&C is known for:
- Advising on close to 55% of the market’s sovereign offerings in the last five years, according to Refinitiv
- Being the leading international law firm in M&A deals in the region, advising on the highest volume by dollar value in 2019, according to Bloomberg
- Representing more sponsors and borrowers on project financings in the region than any other firm over the last 25 years, according to Dealogic
- Advising the Interim Government and the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in connection with the future restructuring of Venezuela’s external debt and the debt of certain of its state-owned instrumentalities
- Achieving litigation successes including representing:
- Republic of Argentina in litigation brought by investor funds in the Southern District of New York relating to GDP-linked securities. The Court dismissed the first-filed of the cases in January 2020.
- Grupo México, S.A.B. de C.V. in Delaware derivative litigation challenging acquisition of power plants
- Banco Bradesco in a shareholder class action in the Southern District of New York
- Several U.S. and foreign financial institutions, as well as a Spanish individual and a U.S. corporation, in connection with FIFA corruption investigations