Ari Blaut has worked on many of the most significant transactions of all time with an emphasis on finance, liability management and restructuring matters. Public and private companies, private capital providers and creditors often turn to Ari for their most important and complex matters. His work has earned him significant honors, including being named an American Lawyer “Dealmaker of the Year,” a “Finance, Banking & Capital Markets Trailblazer” by the National Law Journal and the “Top Financing Lawyer in North America” by MergerLinks. Chambers USA notes Ari is “fantastic,” “smart” and “efficient,” and “his advice from both the legal and business viewpoint is priceless.” Ari has spent his entire career at Sullivan & Cromwell and holds a number of leadership positions at the Firm, including Co-Head of the Firm’s Credit and Finance Practice and Head of the Firm’s Private Capital Practice.