S&C was named an Insurance “Practice Group of the Year” by Law360. In an interview with the publication, Andrew Gerlach and Nicholas Menillo credited S&C’s success in high-profile matters to its generalist model. “I think the generalist model at S&C on the litigation side is really key to our ability to serve our clients at the highest level,” said Nicholas. “It allows us to be adaptable to new, emerging and cutting-edge issues."
They also emphasized the value of S&C’s strong relationships with state insurance departments and federal regulatory agencies. “The ability to be able to look at an issue or a transaction through the lens of how a regulator will see it is an important value add,” said Andrew.
The Firm recently advised Great Lakes in its unanimous Supreme Court victory establishing that the parties’ contractual choice-of-law provision is binding, reversing a Third Circuit decision and resolving a circuit split. S&C also obtained a dismissal of securities claims against Allianz SE and its U.S. subsidiary Allianz Global Investors, and advised Alianz X in its strategic investment in AlTi Global.
S&C was named a “Firm of the Year” for its showing in these awards, with eight practices selected.