Rita O’Neill, partner in S&C’s M&A Group and Co-Head of S&C’s Global Private Equity Group, has been appointed the incoming Chair of the M&A Committee of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section, effective following the section’s Annual Meeting in September. The M&A Committee is the world’s largest forum for M&A lawyers and is the leading forum for ABA members to discuss, debate and learn about the legal issues, best practices and emerging trends relating to domestic and cross-border M&A and related transactions.
Rita is the current Vice-Chair of the ABA M&A Committee, Co-Chair of the ABA Acquisition of Public Companies Subcommittee and the former Chair of its M&A Market Trends Subcommittee and its Deal Points Study on Carveout Transactions. She is also the immediate past Co-Chair of the ABA’s Women in M&A Subcommittee, which was formed to promote the recruiting, retention, and promotion of women lawyers in M&A. Rita is a member of S&C’s Women’s Initiative Committee and is the co-founder and co-chair of a national Women in M&A Network (WiMA), a network of senior women dealmakers focused on business generation. Rita is Co-Chair of the Tulane Corporate Law Institute, and regularly participates on panels and guest teaches classes at law schools related to substantive M&A topics, as well as on gender diversity and women in the legal profession.