On May 10, Chris Mann participated in a conference in Rome titled Foreign Direct Investment Screening at Roma Tre University (Department of Law). The conference was organized by the Department of Law and Chiomenti, an international law firm based in Italy. Practitioners and academics from Italy, Germany, France and the United States spoke at the conference, with sessions covering various topics related to the screening of foreign direct investments. Chris gave a lecture as part of a session titled “The Global Rush Toward National Screening Systems on Direct Foreign Investments.” The lecture was followed by comments in response by several panelists. Chris’s lecture, prepared with substantial assistance from Arnaud Camu, focused on evolving U.S. Government attitudes toward the potential risks of foreign investment from a U.S. national security point of view, and highlighted the recent changes to the CFIUS regime that enhance the ability of the U.S. to monitor and, where deemed necessary, restrict non-passive foreign investment in sensitive U.S. businesses.